We’re excited you’re here. Here’s where you can learn more about our mission, vision, and values of our church.
To build a family of believers who are passionate for the presence of God and equipped to be salt and light in the culture.
We are actively seeking for His kingdom to come here on earth as it is in heaven by lifting up a continuous cry of worship and intercession for and out of New York City. We're believing God for a Third Great Awakening to America and the Nations.
Core Values
Presence – Friendship with God
God is a Loving Father - Revelation of God as "Father" brings identity as sons and daughters
Restoring Hope
Equipping - people to walk in their destinies
Authentic Community - We are an inviting community cultivating authentic relationships
Humble Generosity - Culture of generosity and humility
Releasing Heaven on Earth - Releasing Heaven in Business, Education, Media, Religion, Family, Government, Arts and Entertainment
Re-digging Wells of Revival
Pillars of Our Church
Prayer & Presence
Pursuing a 24/7 presence saturated environment where believers are posturing their hearts to receive from God daily and worshipping continuously, both inside and outside the church
Activating an intercessory culture where believers regularly lift up the needs of others both corporately and individually and believe God for answered prayers
Revealing to believers their identity in Christ and their position of authority in prayer
Inspiring each person to maintain a heart attitude of thanksgiving and a spirit of contentment
Bringing people into an understanding of God as a loving Father and embracing their identity as sons and daughters
Creating a community where people feel at home, welcomed, and safe to pursue more of God
Rejoicing in each other's successes and bearing each other's burdens
Honoring everyone as a valued member of the family with a unique and important calling
Breaking bread together regularly
Sphere of Influence
Developing a missional culture where everyone plays a role in impacting NYC, America, and the nations through praying, serving, and giving
Equipping others to grow and impact their spheres of influence
Transforming NYC through intentional outreaches focused on loving our neighbors in need
Raising up people who look for opportunities to demonstrate God's love and the Kingdom throughout their daily life
Join the Life Center Family