ABOUT PRAYER SETS: Why We Keep a Sanctuary of Prayer with Worship

We keep a sanctuary to minister to God, release His power through prayer and worship, and encounter His heart. In prayer, we contend for a breakthrough of power in our own hearts, in ministry, and in revelation.

15 “But the priests ... the sons of Zadok, who kept charge of My sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from Me, they shall come near Me to minister to Me.” (Ezek. 44:15)

Minister to God

We minister to God by declaring His supremacy, worth, beauty, and riches with adoration, praise, and thanksgiving. We minister to, glorify, and magnify God when we discern and behold His beauty by valuing, enjoying, celebrating, and exalting His name and beauty and by declaring it to others and reflecting it in our lives. As we praise or verbalize what we see of God’s beauty, our insight and delight increase, and our hearts are realigned to it.

Labor in Prayer & Intercession

We labor in prayer and intercession to release a greater measure of God’s power to win the lost, revive the Church, and impact society while also engaging in works of justice and compassion. Constant intercession changes the spiritual atmosphere of the region in which the gospel is proclaimed, and the work of the kingdom goes forth in a greater release of power for healing, salvation, and justice.

Grow in Intimacy with God

We grow in intimacy with God by personally encountering Him by the indwelling Spirit. We receive greater grace to love, obey, and partner with Him as we are fascinated by who He is and as we see the majestic beauty of God as Father, Jesus as the Bridegroom, King, and Judge, and the Holy Spirit as the revealer of His mysteries.

Grow in Understanding of the Word

We grow in revelation of the Word, gaining insight into God’s will, ways, and salvation. We serve others in an important way by spending time and effort to grow in our understanding of the Word so that we may help others understand God’s heart and will for this hour of history.


How to Engage in the Prayer Room

  • Speak Words to God: Repeat the prayers prayed on the mic or sing the words of worship songs right to God.

  • Bible Study Plan: If you join the Life Center Bible reading plan you will read through the NT twice and OT once this year. Study your sermon notes or Bible study notes, etc.

  • Pray in the Spirit: Pray in the spirit, focusing on God’s throne (Rev. 4–5). We edify our spirit and receive mysteries or revelation from God by this (1 Cor. 14:2, 4). Paul prayed in the spirit more than all others (1 Cor. 14:18).

  • Personal Prayer List: Pray to receive strength in your inner man. Pray for your heart (love, fear of God, purity) your mind (spirit of revelation), and your ministry (increase of God’s power to impact the lives of others).

  • Prayer List for Others: Praying for others includes praying for revival for a specific city, specific areas of justice in the government, and specific people (friends, ministries, unsaved, sick, etc.).


Life Center’s Primary Calling 


The Primary Calling for every ministry is to know God and to make Him known, as they work together with others to build the Church and engage in the Great Commission. This includes proclaiming the supremacy of Jesus as we win the lost, make disciples, heal the sick, build godly families, do works of justice and compassion, and seek to impact each sphere of society. We spread the fame of Jesus, proclaiming the knowledge of God and the worth of His Son.

19“Go ... make disciples of all the nations ... 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.” (Mt. 28:19–20)

18“I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” (Mt. 16:18)



The Benefits of Night-and-Day Prayer

  • To glorify Jesus: providing a place to minister to God as we offer Him the praise of which He is worthy

  • For spiritual warfare: providing a place to change the spiritual atmosphere of a region

  • For personal transformation: providing a place of encounter and fascination with God

  • For training in the Word: providing a place to sing the Word, creating a singing seminary

  • For healing: providing a place where God’s power heals the sick and tormented in body and soul

  • For unity: providing a place of reconciliation where hearts are tenderized and preoccupied with God (Ps. 133)

  • For direction: providing a place in which to receive fresh directives and understanding from the Lord