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Yom Teruah Service

  • LifeCenter Church, NYC 75 Maiden Lane New York, NY, 10038 United States (map)

Join us Friday, September 15, 7 PM - 9 PM for a special service as we celebrate the Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets). This Jewish holiday is an appointed feast of rest and celebration God commanded Israel to keep in Leviticus 23:24. It is a memorial proclaimed with blasts of trumpets (shofars). As New Testament believers in Yeshua, we also look forward to the time to come when the last trumpet will sound to announce the Second Coming of Christ (Revelation 11:15). There will also be an optional catered Shabbat meal before the service. Purchase your ticket online here or bring your own meal and join us!

Earlier Event: September 5
Noontime Prayer
Later Event: September 6
Noontime Prayer