Pastoral Team


Bill and Tammie

Senior Pastors

Ricky and Margo Wedding-2873.jpg

Sal and Jules







Worship Pastor



The Story


Life Center's mission is to build a family of believers who are passionate for the presence of God and equipped to be salt and light in the culture. 

We are actively seeking for His kingdom to come here on earth as it is in heaven by lifting up a continuous cry of worship and intercession for and out of New York City. We are part of the nameless and faceless generation, of young and old alike, joining the generations and calling on God day and night to send a Third Great Awakening to America and the Nations.

We will always be a "house of prayer" at our core, the Lord began to speak to us about a vision for community (i.e., being a family) and "doing life" together in a Kingdom culture that first honors God as Father, and one another as brothers and sisters. The revelation of the Father heart of God for His children and our identity as His sons and daughters has completely secured our hearts in love and empowers us to live a life free from fear and anxiety.

Justice House Of Prayer (JHOP) NYC was birthed out of The Call, a movement which has seen massive amounts of young and old come together for solemn assemblies of fasting and prayer in the spirit of Joel 2:15-17 in many cities across the globe.  The Call NYC took place in June, 2002.  That marked the beginning of a journey of covenantal friendship and faith, leading to the launch of a bi-monthly prayer meeting for NYC and our nation on September 22, 2006, Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the Biblical New Year. 

From a bi-monthly prayer meeting in a tiny conference room, to weekly meetings and the addition of prayer sets in a small loft on Chambers street, to the establishment of a church in the heart of the financial district between Fulton Street and Wall Street, the Lord has been faithfully and steadily expanding our faith, our vision, our space, and our resources to continue to partner with His heart to release more of His presence and bring heaven to earth.  Our passion is to see revival - for people to encounter the Lord and be transformed by His presence. Let heaven come!  



Our Mission

To build a family of believers who are passionate for the presence of God and equipped to be salt and light in the culture


Core Values

Presence – Friendship with God

God is a Loving Father - Revelation of God as "Father" brings identity as sons and daughters

Restoring Hope

Equipping - people to walk in their destinies

Authentic Community - We are an inviting community cultivating authentic relationships 

Humble Generosity - Culture of generosity and humility

Releasing Heaven on Earth - Releasing Heaven in Business, Education, Media, Religion, Family, Government, Arts and Entertainment

Re-digging Wells of Revival

Join us in person Sundays at 10 and 11:30am

In-Person Church

Join us in person at our church location in the Financial District, Manhattan.

Online Service

Stream our live Sunday services at home on our YouTube channel.
